
Hi, I am Christian B. Medallada

A 19-year-old BSIT Student based in Makati, Philippines.

BSIT Student of Asia Pacific College


about me

personal info

name : Christian B. Medallada

age : 19-year-old

email : medalladachris100@gmail.com

address : Makati, Philippines - 1233

Student : APC Programmer Student

skill : Beginner Java Programmer

experience : 1 year

language : Tagalog, English




Hi, my name is Christian B. Medallada. Most people call me Tian or Meds. I'm currently 19 years old and living in Makati City, Philippines. I'm a first-year student studying to become a software engineer. I like to watch all things related to design; games, highlights, tutorials, and project design tutorials. I first learned to code when I was in 6th grade.


We learned basic HTML in 6th grade, but that was just the beginning of my coding career. I started learning the basics and fundamentals of Java programming by myself with the help of Youtube and Programming Websites. I already have a lot of programs and applications, most of which are for business applications. I'm still studying Java programs and Python. I hope to become a successful software engineer.

my skills





Visual Studio Code



my education

2016 - 2019

Junior High School Graduate

STEM Strand that Graduted at Pasay City West High School and Complete 10th Grader with a GWA of 90

2020 - 2021

Senior High School Graduate

STEM Technology strand that Graduted at Adamson University and Complete 12th Grader with a GWA of 94

2022 - Present

BSIT-MI College Undegraduate

1st year College Student with a Course of BSIT-MI at Asia Pacific College and expected to Graduate at 2025

my work



Research Title Generator

A website that generates you research title for a specific strand

View Website


Personal Portfolio

A Personal Website that discusses about me and also displays my Personal Projects

View Website

Java Programs


Multiple Choice Quiz Program

Multiple Choice Quiz Program made in Java and with the use Scanner in Eclipse IDE

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project 02

Milk Production Program

The Milk Program created in a IDE Eclipse which uses Java language with the help of Scanner in importing inputs of the user.

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project 03

Inch Converter App

This one is a Inch Converter App where you can convert the inches to feets and yards with a specific explanation.

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project 04

PH Safe App

This Program gives information about the PH Scale of a water and also give some information about drinking safe and clean water this program is raise for us to help in SDG Clean Water and Sanitation

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UI Designs

UI Designs 01

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contact me

get in touch

For any sort of help or inquiries, feel free to send me an email and I'll get back to you soon.

address :

Makati, Philippines - 1233

email :


number :
