About Us

Welcome to Express Eat

G&R Sizzling, formerly known as Express Eat, started as a local business in Makati City, providing delicious meals to the citizens, employees, and students in the area. Our goal has always been to offer a diverse range of flavorful dishes that cater to various tastes and preferences.

As G&R Sizzling transitions to a more systematic approach of delivering foods to our clients and customers, Express Eat continues to be the heart of our kitchen operations. Our platform features a wide variety of recipes not only from the Philippines but also from different countries around the world. With our user-friendly search bar, visitors can easily find the recipe they desire.

We take pride in providing detailed instructions on how to prepare each recipe, ensuring that even novice cooks can create delicious meals with ease. As G&R Sizzling expands its horizons and ventures into new culinary territories, we remain committed to providing our users with exceptional recipes and culinary experiences.

We invite you to explore our website and discover the perfect recipe to satisfy your cravings. Welcome to G&R Sizzling, where culinary delights await!

Christian Medallada